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Art & Design Foundation Diploma - Brighton City College

BA (Hons) Illustration - Brighton University

MLitt Fine Art Practise - Glasgow School of Art



Birthday Tears. The Ugly Duck. 22/06/23-26/06/23 

Community Projections. Brzn. 28/10/23

'Red' Exhibition. Glasgow Gallery of Photography. 06/01/2024-31/01/2024


Sally is a practising artist at the Glasgow School of Art, studying on the MLitt Fine Art Practise course. Investigating the Paranormal through a photographic lens, her work is archival and recreates moments through the past forming connections to the present. Her current body of work is an exploratory investigation into the pseudoscientific methods used by Spiritualist para-scientists and is a search for truth within the paranormal tales found in historical religious practises. 

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